Nomos Cathedral

What is it?

Nomos Cathedral is a sci-fi cyberpunk environment made in Unreal Engine 4. The assets were made using 3DS Max and all materials were created in-engine without plugins or external tools.

The 'level' features two larger rooms, one smaller room and a street breaking the rooms up.

The workflow consisted of first 'grey boxing' out a level using BSP brushes. When the layout was complete I proceeded to create simple modular 3d assets in 3DS Max. These were then UV mapped onto a custom trim-texture normal map. In Unreal, these simple low-poly assets were scaled, rotated and reused continuously.

  • Engine: Unreal Engine 4
  • Language: Blueprint
  • Platform: PC
  • Development Time: 4 months
  • Team Size: Solo Project
Notable Tasks
  • Low Poly 3D Modelling
  • Shaders
  • Level Design


Nomos is an AI that acts as a megastate. It makes all decisions, designs all products and is revered as a god. The Cathedral acts as both a huge computer that hosts Nomos as well as a church were faithful citizens can go and ask things of their leader.

