VR Sci Fest

Creating a VR Experience

VR Sci Fest is, according to themselves, an "international festival dedicated to immersive technology in Science and Art" based in Stockholm, Sweden. I got offered, together with a friend, to exhibit a VR experience at the art gallery Färgfabriken in connection to the festival.

Inspired by Jules Verne's "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea", our VR experience for the festival was about exploring the ocean with a submarine. You had access to levers controlling speed as well as a big steering wheel all of which you interacted with through the HTC Vive controllers.

VR Sci Fest Art (Färgfabriken) from Martin Soderblom on Vimeo.

Unfortunately not much material from what we did at this exhibition exists. Other than the above video created by my teacher at the time, Martin Söderblom, and some good memories.

The screenshot shows the underwater environment that you got to traverse inside the submarine. At the end of the project we were two programmers (one of them me) and one 3D artist. All in all, the entire project was made in about two weeks.